Qonic September 2024 Release Notes

We are excited to announce the September release of Qonic, bringing you a new report panel for quantities and properties, with visual color overrides. This update also introduces project-wide libraries, enabling you to share assets across different models consistently. Here’s a closer look at what’s new and improved in this release.

Data management

  • Libraries Panel: A new unified panel for managing spatial locations, and classification codes all in one place.
  • Project-wide Location Library: Allows users to create, manage, and share spatial locations consistently across multiple models.
  • Materials Library: Now includes a color picker with transparency settings.
  • CSV Upload: Supports uploading codification libraries using CSV files.

Accurate Quantities

  • Report Panel: A new report panel is now available, providing quantities and properties, with color overrides for quick visual feedback in the model.
  • Quantity calculation: Performance improvements for area and volume calculations, enhancing overall efficiency.

Platform and User Interface

  • Search: The command center interface has been updated to display multiple search results and support free-text search.
  • Onboarding: New onboarding designs are now available.
  • User Management: Introduced a warning dialog for downgrading users.


  • Length Measurements are now displayed with the correct unit.

  • Reclassification: Prevent elements from being incorrectly reclassified as IfcSpatialElements.

  • Browse Panel:

    • Resolved crashes when filtering on empty descriptions.
    • Fixed the deselection of filters.
  • Inspect Panel:

    • Fixed the filter status not updating correctly in the inspect panel.
    • Now correctly sorts storeys by elevation when editing location.
    • Resolved the issue where the “Clear Value” option was broken.
  • Clear Selection: Addressed an issue where the clear selection icon persisted after using Move/Copy/PushPull actions.

  • Tooltip Visibility: Fixed an issue where tooltips on the “Add New Relation” card were not always visible.

  • Classification Library: Resolved an issue where the “No Classification Libraries Found” message was displayed twice.

  • Small screens:

    • Corrected the positioning of left context menu icons on small screens.
    • Adjusted the measure toolbar to always display at the top on small screens.
  • Move: Resolved a dimension positioning issue during opening moves.

  • Boundary Detection: Fixed boundary detection in cases involving aggregate walls.

  • Add Layer: Resolved issues with tree enumeration when in scope mode.

  • Dimension Positioning: Fixed an issue where dimensions were not correctly positioned when clicking without moving.

  • Room Layer: Fixed transparency issue with background room layer suggestions.

  • User Management:

    • Fixed issue where the default role change didn’t update.
    • Roles selection now updates correctly when adding new users.
  • Dashboard:

    • Resolved the problem of an empty models page appearing after logout.
    • Eliminated the black flash on the loading screen.
  • Versioning: Exporting personal changes now works as expected.

  • Pricing Plans: Feature restrictions now function correctly based on your subscription tier.

  • Classification Library: All codification items are now visible in the list view.