This was Qonic Talks 2024 London

Below are some of the questions that were asked during the Q&A.

  • Q: How does object ownership work when multiple users interact with the same geometry?
    A: When multiple editors interact with the same geometry or data at the same time, they will not be in each other’s way. Both users will be working on their own ‘personal’ version of the model until they choose to publish their changes. When both users have published their work, the two versions of the model will be merged automatically where possible. If there are conflicting changes, i.e. both users have made different changes to the same geometry or data, a manual conflict resolution needs to happen. The user is notified by this in the Model Version History panel. You can find a more in depth explanation of this concept in the Qonic knowledge base article on version management.
  • Q: Is there a way to save project properties and share them across multiple projects? Similar to how Revit models have Shared Parameters?
    A: Properties are managed per project using the concept of project libraries. Once a project library is defined it can be used across different models within this project. Learn more about libraries here.
  • Q: Can you explain how separation works between discipline models when collaborating? E.g. Structural engineer can’t edit architects model.
    A: Individual access rights can be defined per model. This way you can ensure that every stakeholder only has viewing or editing rights to those models relevant to them. Click here for more information.
  • Q: How does one work offline, and how to address poor internet connections?
    A: The first release of Qonic does not support offline work yet, however the framework is in place to allow this in future releases. Thanks to our asynchronous collaboration setup it will be possible to download a model, do your work while offline, and when you are ready, push the changes back to the cloud so it syncs back up with the public version.
  • Q: What’s the speed difference between browser and desktop Qonic?
    A: This is of course very difficult to quantify exactly, but we have found that performance in the browser is typically good enough to navigate even in very large models. When doing actual modelling operations, we do recommend switching to the desktop application as it can make full use of the available memory of your desktop, whereas the memory capacity of a browser window is limited.
  • Q: Do the UniClass 2015 tables embedded into Qonic automatically update whenever NBS releases updates?
    A: The libraries are brought into Qonic from the buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bsDD) via an API. Whenever the version of UniClass hosted by bsDD is updated, it is possible to pull this updated version into Qonic. A library that is already in use in a project however will not be automatically updated; this to safeguard data consistency in ongoing projects.
  • Q: Have you thought about other models of usage based pricing? Different from sqm on the platform.
    A: We have considered multiple different metrics to define the pricing model. One key principle however that we do not want to compromise on, is that we want to encourage collaboration. Therefore we will not charge licenses per user. Other metrics that we may include in future pricing plan updates are things like number of models in a project and number of projects in your portfolio. We are however still very much open to suggestions; if you think this pricing model does not work for you, please reach out to us and we will take your concerns into consideration.
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